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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 23, 2011 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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health reform. the unexpected costs of the massive overhaul.. on fox 45 news at 5:30 3 3 33
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3 we are following breaking news just into our newsroom... we have now learned that the victim in an overnnght fire in norttwest baltimore has died.megan gillilann is live with the latest on the two aaarm fire. officials are not releasing much information about the victim... no names, no gender or age... all they're telling us at this hhur is that one person has died as a result of this fire. fire.take a look at this video from the scene... amidst all the smoke lingering ii the night sky... you can ee fire crews surrounding the home here at the intersection of springdale avenue and el dorado avenue.flames broke out around 11:30 last night.when firefighters arrived, all but one of the residents had made it out of the home.crews
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rushed inside the burning home... and that's when they found the victim. we did find vvctim on 2nd floor unconscious and unresponsive our firefighters rescued him &phimwe saw them brrnging out a gentleman in a body bag or some kind of sack sackagain, we have learnnd that the victim, found unconscious inside... has died. still no word on wwat caused the fire.investigators will likely return later today. megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a teenage boy from baltimore county is dead this morning... shottand killed while standing with friendd.and police say ... it appears ... an argument between the friends triggered the gunfire. haapened in the baltimore highlands community. investigatoos say the victim was wwth a group of people ii a parking lot on songbird circle yesterday, when they started arguing.we're told at least one person pulled out a gun and shot the boy. he was just 16-years-old.deteettves say he started running... but
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the gunman chased him up a hill toward the ictim's home... wheee e collapsed and later died.its news that is becoming all too familiar for neighbors. (terry) "a lot, a lot of our young people are getting taken out.. and the young people donnt have no more remorre.." (marion) "it's sad that these little kids are dying like this" this..."so far, no ooe has been arrested.but police are calling two brothees, person's of interest. homicide detectives are called to the scene of a stabbinn in east baltimore. happened around 9:30 last night at the intersection of east north avenue and harforddroad.police found tte man lying on the sidewalk.... he was taken to an area hospital.there's no word on a suspect or a motive in the stabbing. rrpist is revealing new information about his attacks... that police never knew about. about.aaron thomas was arrested earlier this month... after d-n-a linked him to attacks on 17 women over thee past 12 of those
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attacks... was here in maryland.yesterday... he pleaded not guilty to one case pf rape... but did admit to committing sex offenses since 1991.thh news came as a shocker to police... who didn't think his first attack was until 6 years later. the family of the johns hopkins student... hit while riding his bike is suiing the driver for 10 million dollars. 20 year old nathan kras- no- poler is comatose.he was riding his bike in a marked campus bicycle lane in february... when he was hit by an 83 year old woman.she was not charged. baltimore county police are looking for vandals who broke a 6 foot statue of the virgin m. mary. the statue's are covered witt a blanket ... after someone knocked it off a pedeetal at tte immaculate conception church in towson. the pastor found the statue sunday lying down with one hand broken off. sean: "it really is a benefit to the community. plenty of people in the area, catholic and non-catholic, drive by there everyday and see it, so it really is kind of a gift to
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the community." community."anyone with baltimore county police. the winner of theenation's first ever spelling bee... has died.frank neuhauser... winner of the á1925á spelling bee... was a patent lawyer from silver spring.he won the champiooship at age 11... after successfully spelling the word "gladiolus."neuhauser was 97 years old. 3 a baltimore ccunty hhnors one of thier own who died in the line of duty.a ceremony was held at goucher college for mark falkenhan kiiled in january fighting a four alarm fire in hillendaae. he was on the third floor searching ffr peole when the fire flashed over. it's a story that touches dog lovers so deeply, that more than hundree of them were willing to stand n line
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for hours, just for a chance to adopt. adopt. joel d. smith iss live in millersville now where many of these rescued dogs are ready to go to nnw homes this morning. good morning joel d. good morning
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3 it was one year ago today... the controversial health care reform act... became law. law.march 23rd of 2010... president ooama signed off on
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the "affordable health care for americans act."supporters hailed the bill aa landmark legislation... that would make pealth care accessible to everyone.but critics slammed the law as doong nothing tt &pimprove health carr... only forcing americans to buy &pinsurance even if they didn't want it.according to new c-n-n poll... most voters still oppose the law. 3&a new report shines some positive light on education in the u-s... data... gathered rom the department of education... finds the nation's worst high schools are getting fact... the number of igh schoolers dropping out... as gone down ddastically.the largest improvement is being chris bbown isn't escaping the - ddama with ex-girlfriend rihanna just yet. yet.drama unfolds shortly after his interview on "good morning america."anchor robin robeets starts asking questions about his relationship with his ex.... months after being sentenced to probation and community serviceefor assault. "have you all seen each other,
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been around each other?i mean, not really, it's not really a big deal to me now, as far as that situation, i think i'm past that in y life, and i think today's the album day so that's what i'' focused on,,so everybody go get that album.. album."after his performance... brown stormed off the set and reportedly stared down the producer.a shattered window was also discovered in his dressing room.brown laaer posted that his album was for his fans only... and that he's quote "so tired of everyyne else." some say it's not a christian thing to do... but for a group of women in texas... pole dancing isn't just for's a wayyfor them to get closer to god. god.once a month... church-going women embrace the dance moves once reserved for's called "pole fitnesssfor jesus."instructors and students say it's not about sex.instead... it's about connectiig with god. "i do feel a spiritual connection whenever you have the mmsic on, and it's singing about lifting you up and being
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clooer to god. you do feel that" that.""people who wwnt to sit there and judge it, you know, like well that is sacrilegious or you know. that doesn't make judge other people." classes are free for women ho bring in church pamphlets. according to one instructor... it's because she doesn't want to profit on god's day. coming up on the early edition... they're responsible for educating your kids...and they're paid áa lotá lotá17:47:22: laurie: "if someone wants that kind of money, they should go into the private sector. sector.the super-salaries of school superintendents. superintendents.raan and a bit of fog will affect yoor morning commute..and to make matters woose we have an accident on the northbound lanes of 295 neer the beltway now we have rubbernecking delays on the sb lanes.i'll fill you in on the deeails coming up in the trafficcedge
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report. ((break 1)) blue diamond almonds!
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more bold flavor! more variety! more of what you want... not what you don't. blue diamond almonds... more than a snack. meteorologist))
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((traffic eporter ad libs)) ((traffic reporter ad libs)) libs)) 3
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coming up... the super-salaries of school supeeintendents...and somm of the budget áincreasesá they're asking for. for.and later...the nfl makes some major chhnges... is john harbaugh in favor of the ew rules? find out in spoots. ((bbmp out)) 3((break 2)) 3
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they're charged with educating thousands of students and maintaining billion dollar this morning's cover story... we investigate the super salaries for some school superintendents.jeff barnd reports reports each year.. maryland taxpayers spend millions of dollars on salaries foo the top brass at publlc school systems across the state...the pay ranges from 122-thousand dollars for the superintendent of schools .. to the highest paid superintendent in the state.. doctor joe hairston.. of baltimore county public schools.. who will earn 307- thousand dollars this school year.that's almost 100- thousaad dollars more than the average salary for superintendents in large school ddstricts across the &pcountry.sot22:52:54: charles:: "" think it's indicative and ccrtainly in line wiih salaries superintendents are recciiing these days."along with dr. hariston's salary comes a monthly car allowance
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accounn.. and 9 weeks of leave a year.we took thh super- saleries..including haarston's to a parent...sot17:42:13: laurie: "why is joe hairston making $307,000 a year in this eeonomic climate?"and to the frrnt lines of education..sot 17:33::9: bost: "if we have to tow the line, our leaders have to tow the line and i dont' know if $330,000 shows a towing of the line."cheryl bost.. is a teacher... and the president of the teacher's association of baltimore county...sot17:34:20: 'bost: "our superintendent is ranked first, our startinn salaries are ranked below 10th nd whenn you get into the more vettran rankk, we're in the teens.. so our salaries aren't equating." recent proposed budget cuts in baltimore county willlslash school budgets y 5-percent.. and do away with 197 teaching positions.. tte county says the cuts will be made through attritioo to avoidd layoffs..sot22:46:49: charles:
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have here is preserved and protected and those are our superintendent's proposed budget shows while teaching positions are being axed.. spending on salaries in the superintendent's office is about to grow by more than half aamillion dollars...over all... the superintendent's budget has iicreaaed by more than 3 point one million dollars since 2009.sot 22:51:05: charles: "we're having to increase in several areas simply due to the nature of running the 27th largest school system in the nation." butt sot22:50:52: charles: "the superintendents budget includes a variety of different things including increase in technologg and increases in other reas too." hairston recently hired a new deputy superintendent at 214-thousand dollars a year. records show baltimore county has more people workkng in its upper level administration ttan any other school system in the state...costing taxpayers more than 30-million dollars a year in salaries.sot 17:47:22: laurie: "if someone wants that kind of money, they should o into the private
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sector. public service is should not expect to make the kind of moniis they make in the private sector."in baltimore ccty.. doctor andres alonso will earn 260-thousand dollars this year... plus up &pto 30-thousand dollars in performance bonuses... his contract also allows for 9 weeks of leave.. plus the use of a vehicle.. super salariess. now under scrutiny.. sot22:38:36: martt: "when you go into the public sector, people are trying to get rich now.. you sector, you go to the government. wwat does that say about our society?" 3 society?"thattsayyabout our society?" coming up if there is ffotball next rulee you should know about... find out what they are... ((break 3)) 3 bruce cunninghamm hhs fox 45 morning sports. sports.
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lysol knows
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a real clean isn't just something you see... it's something you smell. new lysol no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner not only cleans your toilet with every flush, but also freshens your entire bathroom. so even in between deep cleans, it's as fresh as any room in your home. for tips on a healthy home, visit missionforhealth. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... 3
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&pthe new technologg keeping teen drivers alert and off the . phone.and one person ii now confirmed dead... after firr
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rips through a home in gilliland, the rescue attempt straiggt ahead.


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